Thursday, 15 September 2016


name - Hunter Brophy
age - 17
fav food- steak
fav sports- football, b-ball, hunting, fishing, dirt biking
job- farmer, mechanic
hobbies- hanging out with family and friends doing lots of crazy stuff, not all safe but always makes for good memories.
why I like photography- when ever I am out hunting in the evenings I get to see the sun set and the sun rise and every time it amazes me and I always try and describe it to other people how cool it is but no one wants to get up early or walk the distance to see how beautiful this world is so I started to take pictures of it and realized that they were really pretty so when I heard about this photo class I decided to take it.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Image result for leonardo da vinci cameraThe History of Photography

photography has evolved so much in the past 300 years in many ways.

1515- Leonardo Da Vinci designs a machine It is made up of two boxes one sliding inside the other On one a lens is fitted which makes an image on the surface at the back of the other.



In france the niepce brothers initiate experiments to create images using light-sensitive objects

David Brewster invents the stereoscopic viewer

1851Frederick Scott Archer introduces the wet collodion process.

1851Fox Talbot uses an exposure of 1/1000 of a second to demonstrate high speed photography.
1852Fox Talbot patents a prototype of photoengraving.
1852Bausch and Lomb Optical Co. is set up in Rochester, New York.

1861The single lens reflex plate camera is patented by Thomas Sutton

1862Nadar takes aerial photographs over in Paris

1871Dry photographic plates invented.

1877The first electrically-lit photographic studio is opened in Regent Street, London.

1880The first twin lens reflex camera is produced in London.
1890Photographs start to supplant hand drawing  illustrations in popular publications.

The flash-bulb is invented, a glass bulb filled with magnesium coated metal ribbon ignited electrically.

The Lumiere brothers demonstrate a cinema projector capable of showing 16 frames a second.

The Kodak Brownie camera is introduced.

From the bottom now we are here.!!!!!

Image result for newest camera